WOW I have been such a slacker lately!! I dont understand why I can spend so much time reading others blogs but can't spend fifteen/ twenty minutes updating ours! Honestly I have been trying to figure out photoshop and trying to give our blog an update and let me tell you its HARD! I have had such sweet people helping me and giving me advice on figuring out photoshop and I still dont get it! I did a blog header for my sister and one for me and Im not thrilled with either! Can you tell im super frustrated... I deleted EVERYTHING on my page. Don't worry its just under construction for now!
So here's what we've been up to lately...
Two weekends ago we busted out of Manhattan and went to El Dorado and Wichita to visit my sisters. Amy had a lot going on but we still spent plenty of time with her and the kids. During the day my mom, sister sarah, me and Aiden were in Wichita and we went shopping and got Aiden's 2nd hair cut. Sarah had googled kids cuts and found a neat little place. (Can't remember the name!!) Aiden did really good. I realized once we got home that im not thrilled with the cut at all but it was still a fun experience and Im glad we went!!
Aiden did not have a single nap all day long! He was such a trooper! I got him some cute summer outfits from Old Navy, some flip flops (which he LOVES) and some new tennis shoes. About the tennis shoes... when we were driving to El dorado Aiden was getting alitte squirmy so i reached back in the back seat and jiggled his foot to make him laugh. When i grabbed his shoe i realized his poor little tootsies were at the very tip of his old shocks! Poor baby! He must have recently had a growth spurt because the shoes fit fine not too long ago. So I was freaking out and felt horrible even though Im sure he was fine and didn't even notice they were getting to small, but i did and made it my mission to find new ones. The ones I really loved were pumas at Von Maur. They were adorable but of course they didn't have his size. So we found some shocks (cousin Pax has the same ones!) and got them instead.
Out with the old (left) in with the new!! (right)
We had dinner at willies in El dorado that night then me and my sisters hung out when the kids went to sleep. Amy made us a nice breakfast the next morning then we headed back to manhattan. Great Weekend!!
Poor Pax was just trying to give his cousin some love but Aiden was NOT having it!

Me and Sarah always have so much fun dressing Harper when we're there. She is SO adorable, look at them chubby cheeks!
This past weekend Aiden FINALLY got to go spend the weekend with Uncle Joe and Aunt Alissa. Third times a charm! The first time we tried Aiden got sick, the second it snowed so we were so happy it was nice and he was healthy and got to go! Mike's parents went as well so they came through manhattan friday night and picked him up. I did some shopping that night with my sister sarah and went to dinner with friends! It was fun!
Uncle Joe is amazing and LOVES aiden so much!! I think Aiden had a great time and I know he wore Joe and Grandpa don out! Grandma Linda and Alissa were pretty tired to from shopping all day :) So sad I couldnt go and shop with them! We can't wait for Joe and Alissa to give Aiden a little buddy to play with, hopefully it will be sooner than later... hint. hint.

Thanks for taking such good care of him!! You guys are the best and we love you!!
Here are a few other randoms of Mr. A
LOVED Pax's shades!
Changing the channels...little stinker.
He has really taken a liking to his ELMO lately! Thanks auntie sarah!
The climbing has gotten WORSE! He is on everything now. His favorite is climbing up on the big brown chair and getting whatever we have laying on the ledge. And he can now get up on the chair and bang on the lab tops. This time though the chair was pushed in and he got stuck. I was in the kitchen doing dishes and he started whimpering, i found him like this. Im sure it wont be the last time he does this!!
Im VERY excited for this coming weekend! Amy and the kiddos are coming to visit. We're all going to the St Patrick's day parade in Aggie Ville then to the KSU baseball game with our friends Brooke and Jeremy! This will be Aiden's first game and Im so excited. I promise to not wait weeks to post again and hopefully ill have a new blog layout soon!!